Sunday, March 30, 2014

Weekend snapshots

1. Growing chives in a Johnson's tea cup

2. Growing the lollipop granny stripe and harvesting a lot of lettuce

3. Practicing embroidery stitches on this op shop find

4. A lollipop rainbow

And enjoying the sunshine after a week of rain!

luv neen 

Monday, March 24, 2014

Taking Stock 001

As it's been quite a while since I visited this space I thought I would join along with Pip's taking stock over at Meet me at Mikes. It's a great way to get back into the blogging groove.

Here are my thoughts jotted down at the end of the weekend …

Making : a lollipop granny stripe blanket

Cooking : slow roasted shoulder of lamb for Sunday dinner

Drinking : too much soft drink, a habit I am trying to break

Reading: Constructing Grounded Theory: a practical guide through qualitative analysis (yes, it is as boring as it sounds!!)

Wanting: time to do some sewing ... perhaps next weekend

Looking: through the pages of Mum's Better Homes & Gardens magazine

Playing: 'dots' on the iPad

Deciding: on what direction I would like my blog to take

Wishing: my niece a quick recovery post surgery

Enjoying: gardening in the rain

Waiting: for an anticipated letter to arrive - I love snail mail

Liking: my growing hair (why did I decide to cut it last year?!?)

Wondering: which colour to use next in the lollipop blanket ... pink, blue, orange, purple, green …

Loving: John :)

Pondering: the next op shop find

Considering: making beanies for the Alice Springs Beanie Festival ... maybe next year …

Watching: Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman re-runs … again

Hoping: for a good garlic harvest, we have planted 100 cloves!

Marvelling: at these fun and creative beanies

Needing: nothing that I can think of right now

Smelling: the garlic and rosemary wafting from the oven

Wearing: an old crochet top handed down from my sister

Following: some inspiring crafty blogs such as this one, and this one

Noticing: a few weeds poking their heads up in the herb garden

Knowing: I have a fun weekend planned in Canberra soon

Thinking: about sewing draft stoppers for a friend

Sorting: through the craft supplies - they are getting out of hand

Buying: groceries

Bookmarking: this op shop web site, a great resource when you are exploring new places

Disliking: working 5 days a week :)

Opening: a bottle of red wine to go with dinner

Giggling: at my crazy conure Ned

Snacking: on chips (another habit to break)

Wishing: the weekend would last forever

Helping: Dad in the kitchen ... he is washing and I am wiping the dinner dishes

Hearing: the thunder rumbling as a storm moves overhead

Feeling: happy to be back blogging :)

Luv Neen